DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1994031台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 14: 369-378 (1994) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Observation of life History of Evania appendigaster (L.) (Hymenoptera:Evaniidae) in the Laboratory 【Research Article】

實驗室中觀察蜚蠊瘦蜂 (Evania appendigaster (L.)) 之生活史【研究報告】
Chin-Chang Yeh and Chuan-Chen Mu
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Received:      Accepted: 1994/08/22     Available online: 1994/09/01
Evania appendigaster, distributed widely around Taiwan island, is the egg parasitoid of Periplaneta americana. Experimental results indicate that the developmental period lasts for 39.0±0.8 days for the female and 38.5±1.1 days for the male. It consisted of egg (2.3±0.3d), lst larval instar (2.3±0.5d), 2nd larvalinstar (4.5±0.6d), 3rd larval instar (40±0.7d), 4th larval instar (4.7±0.5d), prepupa (5.0±0.8d) and pupa (14.5±2.4d). The longevity of the female is 13.3±4.2 days and that of the male is 14.9±6.0 days in the laboratory. The daily emergence peak has appeared at 7-11 AM. After escaping from the oothecae, the adults woulld be ready to oviposite and mate. The development of E. appendigaster would not complete when the oothecae is over 30 days old. Developmental duration of this wasp is unaffected when the younger oothecae is parasitized.

蜚蠊瘦蜂 (Evania appendigaster (L.)) (Hymenoptera:Evaniidae) 分布於台灣本島各縣市,其主要寄主為美洲蜚蠊 (Periplaneta americana) 的卵鞘。瘦蜂在28±1℃、80±10% RH、晝夜比12:12的生長箱中,各發育期之平均日數分別為卵期2.3±0.3日、幼蟲期日齡2.3±0.5日、二齡4.5±0.6日、三齡4.0±0.7及四齡4.7±0.5日、前蛹前5.0±0.8日及蛹期14.5±2.4日。成蟲羽化後並不立即離開寄主卵鞘,所以自產卵起至離開蜚蠊卵鞘之間雌蟲為39.0±0.8,雄蟲38.5±1.1日,而其壽命則分別為13.3±4.2日及14.9±6.0日,羽化高峰在早晨7-11點之間,羽化離開卵鞘後即可產卵或交尾後再產卵。寄生於日齡超過30日之美洲蜚蠊卵鞘時,本蜂無法完成發育。而不同日齡的卵鞘在平均25℃之室溫下供本廋蜂產卵,並不影響其發育期。

Key words: Evania appendigaster, life history, Periplaneta americana.
關鍵詞: 蜚蠊瘦蜂、生活史、美洲蜚蠊。
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