DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2006023台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 26: 273-282 (2006) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Inventory of Stag Beetles on the Da-lu Forest Road in the Kuanwu Area of Northwestern Taiwan 【Research Article】

Yu-Che Lo Yui-Ching Kao* Yi-Chung Wang Ping-Shih Yang
羅友徹 高瑞卿* 王義仲 楊平世
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2005/01/28     Accepted: 2006/07/28     Available online: 2006/09/01
The purpose of this study was to draw up a namelist of stag beetles with their abundances along the Da-lu Forest Road in the Kuanwu area of northwestern Taiwan. From April 2002 to March 2003, four different methods, including light traps, transect line sampling, bait sampling, and rotten wood chopping method, were used in the investigation. In total, 28 species belonging to 14 genera of Lucanidae with 440 of stag beetles were recorded during this investigation in the Kuanwu area. The most abundant species was Lucanus taiwanus which accounted for 13.6% of total individuals. The occurrence peak of the stag beetles was from June to August. The light trap was the most efficient method among the four methods used in this study. Neolucanus doro horaguchii, Neolucanus swinhoei, and Nigidionus parryi were only recorded by the method of road sampling. Prismognathus piluensis was only recorded by the method of rotten wood chopping, suggesting that this stag beetle completes its life cycle in rotten wood. This investigation recorded 28 species, which account for 54.9% of all species in Taiwan. The appearance of Neolucanus doro horaguchii was concentrated in August, and was only recorded at site 11. Two protected species, Dorcus formosanus and D. schenklingi, were recorded in this area. It is necessary to exert greater efforts to protect the forest ecosystem for maintaining populations of stag beetles and the biodiversity of wildlife.

本研究主要在建立觀霧地區大鹿林道鍬形蟲之物種名錄及族群數量等資料,自2002年4月至2003年3月間,於觀霧地區之大鹿林道設置樣站,以夜間燈光採集法、沿路調查法、誘餌採集法和朽木採集法等四種方法進行調查。本區全年共記錄14屬28種440隻鍬形蟲,其中以高砂深山鍬形蟲(Lucanus taiwanus) 為最優勢的種類,佔全部記錄數量的13.6%。五月至十月種類與數量較多,而六至八月為鍬形蟲發生期的最高峰。各種調查法以夜間燈光調查法所採集到的鍬形蟲種類為最多,推測本區之鍬形蟲大多為夜行性昆蟲,並對於光源有正趨性。洞口氏泥圓翅鍬形蟲 (Neolucanus doro horaguchii)、紅圓翅鍬形蟲 (Neolucanus swinhoei) 以及葫蘆鍬形蟲 (Nigidionus parryi) 僅在本調查之沿路調查法記錄到,推測這三種鍬形蟲可能偏好於日間活動。而洞口氏泥圓翅鍬形蟲發生月份集中於八月,全部採集於樣站11,可見該種鍬形蟲的族群分布範圍相當狹隘,因此棲地的保護對該種鍬形蟲族群續存相當重要。碧綠鬼鍬形蟲 (Prismognathus piluensis) 成蟲僅在本調查之朽木採集法中發現,推測這種鍬形蟲終其一生皆在朽木中生活。本次調查共記錄到28種鍬形蟲,佔了台灣地區現有鍬形蟲種類之54.9%,並發現文化資產保存法之保育類昆蟲台灣大鍬形蟲(Dorcus formosanus) 以及長角大鍬形蟲(Dorcus schenklingi),顯示出該地區之生物資源豐富,森林生態環境需加以保護,藉以維持鍬形蟲之族群及該地區野生生物之生物多樣性。

Key words: ecological investigation, stag beetle, biodiversity
關鍵詞: 生態調查、觀霧地區、鍬形蟲、生物多樣性
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