DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2006026台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 26: 303-306 (2006) 科學短訊  Scientific note
Formosan Entomologist
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A New Record of a Hornet (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) from Taiwan 【Scientific note】

I-Hsin Sung* Seiki Yamane Sôichi Yamane Kai-Kuang Ho
宋一鑫* 山根正氣 山根爽一 何鎧光
*通訊作者E-mail :􀀄
Received: 2006/03/01     Accepted: 2006/05/30     Available online: 2006/09/01
A queen of the hornet Vespa simillima Smith was collected from Tsaoshan Village (950 m in elevation) in Chiayi County, Taiwan. This is a first record of this species from Taiwan and may represent an accidental introduction from other regions. The species is common in the northeastern part of the Palearctic region, constructs large colonies, and has been a serious nuisance pest in Japan. A continuing investigation of the spread and/or decline of this wasp is needed in Taiwan.

本科學短訊記述台灣新記錄一種黃色胡蜂Vespa simillima Smith,所得標本係母后一匹,採自嘉義縣番路鄉草山村,海拔950公尺。本種廣泛分布於舊北區的東北部,可構築大型蜂巢,在日本是重要的有害動物,未來值得繼續觀察族群的增減與分布情形。

Key words: social wasp, hornet, new record, nuisance pest, Taiwan
關鍵詞: 社會性胡蜂、虎頭蜂、新紀錄種、有害動物、台灣
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