DOI:10.6662/TESFE.2015012台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 35: 165-183 (2015) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Insect Composition of the Canopy Layer from the Native and Plantation Forests in Xuejian Area 【Research Article】

Wen-Bin Yeh*, Hui-Yi Li, Cheng-Lung Tsai, Yu-Pang Chan
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Received: 2015/12/30     Accepted: 2016/01/19     Available online: 2016/01/01
Three kinds of investigative methods were applied to determine the insect composition in the canopy layer in the Xuejian area of Shei-Pa National Park. Diptera was the insect order that was most abundant in the canopy layer, followed by Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera, while some insect orders could only be found in native forest. The capturing efficiency of Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera looked similar for all sampling methods. The diversity of insects captured using the Malaise trap (MLT) and the sweeping net (SWP) were high, while it was low using the hanging trap (HNT) even though the HNT collected a high number of dipteran insects. Dimensional and clustering analyses showed that the sampling methods themselves cause the acquisition of a heterogeneous insect composition. The attractive odor of pineapple is the reason for the HNT to have a different insect composition compared to the MLT and SWP sampling methods, both of which have similar insect composition. The insect family composition found in the MLT showed an abundance of insects from the dipteran families, Sciaridae and Cecidomyiidae, each of which is common in its native forest and plantation forest, respectively. The abundance of insects from the hymenopteran families were mainly Halictidae, Braconidae, and Encyrtidae. The Braconidae especially was found in large numbers in the plantation forest. The abundance of Coleoptera were mainly Staphylinidae, Scolytidae, and Elateridae, but with especially large numbers of Nitidulidae and Pselaphidae in the plantation forest. Among the hemipteran families, the Cicadellidae was the most abundant, the Psyllidae
was the most abundant in the native forest, and the Coccoidea was the most common in the plantation forest. Insect dynamics showed that a large amount of insect could be collected in summer time, but that the number collected in winter could be very low. Although the insect diversity in the plantation forest was very low, some insect families appeared to be dominant. In Taiwan, the insect fauna of the plantation forest has rarely been investigated, and thus the survey of native and plantation forests in this study could be helpful in managing economic activity in the forest.

雪霸國家公園雪見地區的樹冠層昆蟲調查顯示,以雙翅目 (Diptera) 昆蟲明顯居多,其次為膜翅目 (Hymenoptera)、鞘翅目 (Coleoptera)及半翅目 (Hemiptera),有些目級的昆蟲僅見於天然林內。三種調查方法在雙翅目、膜翅目及鱗翅目(Lepidoptera) 有相似的誘捕效能;掃網及馬氏網法均於天然林捕到較多樣的昆蟲,懸掛式誘餌陷阱法(吊網)捕獲量雖不少,但多樣性低。群聚分析法也顯示不同調查法收集到的昆蟲組成不同,吊網法捕獲組成變異很大,可能是鳳梨皮獨特誘引特性造成,掃網及馬氏網捕獲組成較相近。馬氏網調查結果顯示,雙翅目的黑翅蕈蚋科
(Sciaridae) 及癭蚋科 (Cecidomyiidae) 最多,但天然林黑翅蕈蚋較多,人工林內則是癭蚋;膜翅目主要為隧蜂科 (Halictidae)、繭蜂科 (Braconidae)、跳小蜂科(Encyrtidae) , 但人工林內有大量的繭蜂科; 鞘翅目主要為隱翅蟲科(Staphylinidae)、小蠹蟲科 (Scolytidae) 與叩頭蟲科 (Elateridae),但人工林有不少比例的出尾蟲科 (Nitidulidae) 及蟻塚蟲科 (Pselaphidae);半翅目主要為葉蟬科(Cicadellidae),天然林內另有大量的木蝨科 (Psyllidae),人工林則是介殼蟲

Key words: Canopy, insect fauna, hanging trap, malaise trap, plantation forest
關鍵詞: 樹冠層、昆蟲相、懸掛式誘餌陷阱、馬氏網、人工林
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