Abstract Gall-inducing insects develop within the galls they induce, and generally remain undetected. In recent years, many instances of gall-inducing insects turning into invasive organisms internationally have come to light. Anselmella miltoni induces seed-like galls within the fruits of Syzygium samarangense was found in Taiwan recently, thus impacting severely on the country’s earnings made out of the export of fresh fruits of S. samarangense. Biological details of A. miltoni are sparsely known, thus limiting an effective management. We studied A. miltoni populations from an orchard in Jhongpu, Chiayi and report in this paper its biology, including notes on field populations, synchronization between fruit development in S. samarangense and gall development, emergence, and adult longevity. Anselmella miltoni lays eggs during the anthesis stage of fruit phenology of S. samarangense. The egg stage of A. miltoni overlaps with the petal fall stage in S. samarangense. Immature stage of A. miltoni develope through the rapid stage to middle fruit stage. Anselmella miltoni enters into pupal stage and adults emerge, when the fruits of S. samarangense in mature stage. A gall inside the fruit includes many compartments, each compartment with one individual of A. miltoni inside. Average number of gall compartments within a fruit is 20.08 ± 11.5. The emergent adults leave its fruit unsynchronized and the period of adult emergence from one gall last for 3~7 days. Adult longevity is 2.36 ± 1.16 days. Based on biological details, we offer suggestions for the management of A. miltoni.
摘要 造癭昆蟲生活於植物組織形成的癭內,隱匿式的習性不易被偵測,近年來不乏成為國際入侵性害蟲的例子。危害蓮霧的米爾頓釉小蜂在果實空腔內形成類種子癭,近年於台灣發現,嚴重影響台灣蓮霧的外銷收益,然而關於此物種的生物學資料仍相當缺乏,影響防治效率。因此本研究以嘉義中埔之蓮霧園作為樣區,針對米爾頓釉小蜂進行基礎生物學研究,包含田間發生、蓮霧物候及蟲癭發育之同步性、羽化形式以及成蟲壽命,結果顯示小蜂在田間主要於蓮霧盛花期前來產卵,小蜂卵期與蓮霧胚仔期同步,幼期發育則歷經合臍期至中果期且主要於熟果期化蛹並羽化為成蟲,單一果實蟲癭具有20.8 ± 11.5 個癭室,一蟲一癭室,成蟲不取食,且壽命為2.36 ± 1.16 天,本研究也依據其生物學特性提供相關的防治建議。
Key words: gall, invasive species, ovule, phenology | 關鍵詞: 蟲癭、入侵物種、胚珠、物候學 |